Support? Who Needs It...?
Anyway, I've decided to incorporate some of this into my training. Not so I can win a Mr. America title or anything like that, but to re-accustom my body to the heavy weights. So far it feels pretty good. In fact, I'm doing some different things that I'm not necessarily used to or have don before.
Last Thursday, I decided to do some partial deadlifts from mid-thigh. I worked up to 675lbs with a 10 second hold. It felt great! I didn't concentrate on just holding it, but actually pushing back against it--feeling my feet flatten and press through the floor and really trying to extend by body under the load. It felt exhilarating! I could feel every muscle in my body contract! It has been a long time since I've done anything like that. After that, I dropped the weight to 495lbs and hit 8 sets of 3 with about 60 seconds of rest between sets. Felt great. This has inspired me to work on some progressive movement training as developed by the late great Paul Anderson. Essentially, using the same load, you add a little greater range of motion to a movement and your body adapts to the load over the course of time. So the "progressive overload" is the range of motion and the load remains constant. I think there are about 15 more pin holes until the floor in the rack I was using, so I have plenty of time to get to the floor. I just have to be patient.
Tonight, in a similar vein, I performed overhead supports. I worked up to 405lbs. Hardly Grimek weights. But the interesting thing about support work is you definitely find your weaknesses.
My training template then is something along these lines:
Heavy support work (isometric) --> RM work (maximum effort) --> 70-80% of RM for 18-30 reps (submax work for hypertrophy).
Tonight's work looked like this:
A. Overhead supports, 10s: 405lbs (135lbs/225lbs/275lbs/315lbs)
B. Military Press, 3RM: 195lbs (shoulders were a bit tired after the support work), followed by 90% (175lbs) for (3,2,1) x3; 60s rest. I hit the same 3RM last week, but without the support work. Last week I used 155lbs as my back down weight for (5,4,3,2,1) x2; 60s rest.
C1. Underhand Barbell Rows, 145lbs/8, 10, 7 supersetted with
C2. Parallel Dips w/ Scap. Depression, 10, 10, 7; rest 60s
D. 45 Degree Hypers: Bodweight/10 x2 sets; 60s rest
My hammies have been screaming at me from this exercise, so I thought I would skip what I had planned and hit a recovery day just to get rid of some of the intense soreness...
Regarding the platform: I'm staying off it right now until I get my strength back. Many of the patterns are already grooved. I always maintain my speed and my lack of strength is my limiting factor. I'll jump back on at the end of the month.
Here's an interesting article on some of John Grimek's training: