Monday, November 13, 2006

Two Weeks Is Always Enough

I've never had the good fortune to be one of those guys who can make progress on a 6 week program, or even a 4 week one. I always seem to peak out at the end of the second week. Some may argue I plan it that way. But even when I was coached, that always seemed to be the case. Week 1 was a break in and I'd feel great at the end of Week 2. As I'd make it into Week 3, I'd tend to drag and then crash and burn--miss weights that should have been easy; fail to complete training sessions.

Mark Riefkind (Rif) made this comment/asked me this question on my last entry:

"the only issue I see with your ramp up is that on each of the days the same basic structures are used in very similar ways. systemic/accumulated overload is what I am concerned about.where is the kb work fit in? "

My answer is very simple: I use the basic structures/templates for 2 weeks then change/modify them for the next 2 week cycle. For example, on the back squat for the last two weeks, I've been using ascending ladders, 1-2-3 for a given weight, adding 10kg and repeating for 2-4 more sets. This next 2 weeks, I'll use a 3-2-1 format, increasing the weight in 10kg jumps the first two training sessions, then 5-10kg jumps the second two training sessions. The goal is to peak, hit a new training max, and then back down for a few cycles of hypertrophy work to try and fill out my weight class.

Here's today's session:

Power Snatch, from above knee
60/3, 70/2
(80/2, 85/2, 90/2) x3

Avg Load=85kg
Avg Int=65%

Back Squat
110/3, 120/2, 130/1
120/3, 130/2, 140/1
130/3, 140/2 (3), 150/1; Meant to only hit 140/2 but miscounted--in the moment, ya know.

Avg Load=134.4kg

Total Session Volume=4084.4kg

As far as KB work, it's "catch-as-catch-can." I get it in when I feel like it. I hit about 3 extra workouts last week:

1. Bodyweight Bulgarian split squats 2x10+10 (Th)
2. KB alternating press: 2x24kg/5+5; 2x32kg/5+5 (F)
3. Clean + Press, L+R w/32kg/6x5+5 (Su)

And of course, Z-Health multiple times per day. I can always tell if a training session was valuable if my SI function is still perfect. If it degrades, then the session was too much for my CNS.

Today was a good day.


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